Hi, I'm Paige.

I'm an MBA-educated, professional woman with 17 years of experience working for multiple Fortune 100 & 500 companies. My career focus for the past decade has been the Fintech space. I worked very hard to get to where I am professionally, but there is a side of me that very few of my colleagues, mentors, or business acquaintances are aware of…

I am also an autoimmune warrior, eating disorder survivor, author, and podcast host. I discovered when I began sharing my health journey after decades of struggling with multiple autoimmune diseases, disordered eating, perfectionism, and people pleasing that far too many high achieving women could relate to the struggle of being invisibly unwell.

After working with clients, being interviewed on podcasts, and digging deep into research that is, at times, alarmingly difficult to find, it occurred to me that my ultimate struggle and the biggest challenge for most of the women I speak to is feeling frustrated and alone. High-achieving women have a tendency to internalize their story. This leads to isolation, a lack of support, and a perpetual feeling of being stuck.

When society applauds for the outcomes of your issues (e.g. high paying jobs, weight loss, the attention you desire from others) it feels much safer to hide and to bury the loneliness within... even when your body is physically suffering. The invisibility of these issues leaves you to make a choice between being vulnerable and coping in the dark. To speak up is to reveal a chink in our armor, armor that we worked very hard to build in a patriarchal, fast-paced, hustle minded society. Therefore, choosing to be vulnerable is not a simple decision.

I hesitated for years to open up about my own story. My excuse was that I’d worked too hard to show weakness, and I wasn’t prepared for any consequences I might face for being real. Sharing my story once I gathered the courage and felt supported in this endeavor was life altering. What keeps me going is the hope that at least one person out there who is struggling begins to believe that they are NOT alone.

I learned that in order to live a healthier, happier, and more fulfilling life as a high achieving women in a world that wasn’t built for us, we must learn to look in the mirror, face our issues, embrace vulnerability, and re-connect to ourselves.

Thank you for being here. I truly hope my work makes you feel validated and emboldens you to share your own story.

Are you ready for change?

If you feel alone in your struggles and aren't sure where to begin, I may be able to help. Learn how I can help you overcome struggling with autoimmunity, disordered eating, perfectionism, and people-pleasing.

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and the podcast is dropping this coming Spring!